Carbon black is one of the extender pigments and was used in tire production in England in the 1900s and entered the service of the industry. 95% of the carbon black produced in the world is used in the rubber industry. Apart from the rubber industry, it is also used as a pigment and reinforcing agent in the plastic paint and printing ink industries.
Interacting with the polymer molecules, carbon black strengthens the physical and mechanical properties of the mixture, as well as showing cost-reducing and healing properties.
Carbon black is obtained as a result of the collection of elemental carbon contained in the hydrocarbon vapor obtained by decomposition at high temperatures on a surface. Depending on the production technique, four different carbon blacks are defined.
1) Oven Black:
It is used to obtain medium-sized carbon blacks with a particle size of 18-85 nanometers. It is obtained by preheating hydrocarbons and burning them in ovens containing low oxygen at a temperature of 1200-1700 degrees. The product obtained is first filtered, then passed through cyclone separators and separated from volatile gases and dried. The pH value is between 6.5 and 10. Furnace blacks are the most commonly used carbon black. The most basic types are ISAF, HAF, FEF, GPF and SRF. The last letter F means oven.
2) Soot Black:
It is obtained entirely from natural gas. As a result of burning natural gas with limited oxygen on iron plates, soot black is obtained. The efficiency of soot produced by this method is low and causes environmental pollution. The pH value is around 5.
Grain sizes are between 15-40 nanometers. The most important types are EPC, MPC. The letter C at the end denotes the channel through which the natural gas enters.
3) Thermal Black:
It is produced with a thermal decomposition system of natural gas at around 1300 degrees in an airless environment. The carbon blacks produced are medium grained. The most important thermal blacks are FT and MT.
4) Acetylene Black:
It is obtained from acetylene. It is obtained as a result of exothermic decomposition at 800-1000 degrees. HAF type carbon black is an example of acetylene black.
Carbon black manufactures all products of Mec Industry black masterbatches.
Black carbon, granular dope, aromatic oils, pellet carbon, masterbatch etc. We manufacture all carbon black products. Contact us to ask a question or to reach our products.